A learned friend once asked me if I understood the difference between "look" and "see". My response was , "It is the same difference." Yes, I decided to counter one oxymoron with another....or so I thought.
As I approach mid-life, I ponder over such subtlties and it dawned on me that there is indeed a difference. People look at things day in and day out but they do not necessarily see the things around them. In our haste to get on with our own lives, we sometimes miss the beauty at our doorstep.
You see, my neighbout has a chiku tree in the front yard and I have been telling everyone at home that the fruits must be awful. There are many fruits, but I have never seen any birds eating the fruits. My son told me that he had seen many birds at the tree. I wondered why I had not observed this while he had. One day, I sat in the garden and decided to wait for the birds. After about 10 minutes (it seemed an eternity when you are out there waiting for soemthing to happen....now I kinow what a scarecrow feels like :p. Anyway, I spotted several birds. It then realised that the reason I had not seen the birds was because I was always in a rush and simply glanced at the tree and decided that there was nothing to see.
I grabbed my camera and in a matter of 30 minutes, took the followng photographs. Enjoy :)
Starling |
Starling |
Green Pigeon |
Bulbul |
Flamebacks |
Starlings |
Yeah...pretty much like hearing but not listening. Smart one that friend.
Glad you see the subtleties in and of life. :) Love the pictures but not necessarily the subject. :p
Hahaha. I would have taken photographs of birds without feathers but that would mean going to the supermarket :p
Ewww....eeeeewwwwww.... just the thought of the image is scary! Headless, featherless.... can't complete that sentence, even. Stuff of nightmares... mine lah. :p Perish the thought! Eeeeeewwwww....
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