Saturday, 5 April 2014

OCBC Cycle 2014

A medal for the effort
I have participated in a few OCBC Cycle events and must say that it is a novel way to provide a new experience for novice cyclists like me.
This year was especially special because I had a new wheel-set and wanted to see how good it was. In summary it was awesome! The wheel-set, I mean. In case you want to have a closer look, here you go :)
Awesome !
The OCBC Cycle event was typical of cycling events. We arrived at the F1 Pit Building at about 5:40 am and made our way to the start point. There was a sea of people.
"People Mountain, People Sea"
I met this guy who built his own bicycle! He was very proud of it, and rightly so. He kept us entertained while we were waiting for the event to flag off.
Handbuilt bike
For a novice cyclist who has a fear of high speeds, it was a challenging and fun ride. My top speed was about 45 km/h.....and I got really scared. This is my personal land speed record. My son, who also participated in the event touched 60km/h. I heard through the grapevine that some hardcore cyclists approached 80km/h ! You could get a ticket for going at that speed in some parts of this little red dot.
There were also some interesting sights along the way. On the final stretch, the ride took us up Benjamin Sheares Bridge (it was more fun riding downhill).
Pardon the railing in the foreground
Struggling up the bridge :)
On a more sombre note, it was unfortunate that there was one fatality. I am sure the organisers will take measures to make the next event a safer one for all. I am of course assuming that there will be another event in 2015. Godspeed.